Best Walt Disney World Rides part 3

read part 1 , part 2

3. The Haunted Mansion

©Arthur Levine, 2003. Licensed to
  • Thrill Scale (0=Wimpy!, 10=Yikes!): 3.5
    More silly than scary, the ride is dark, loud...and haunted! Very young children may find it disconcerting.
  • Height Requirement: None
  • Location: Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom
  • Fastpass: No
Casual and ardent fans alike typically pair The Haunted Mansion with Pirates of the Caribbean as the archetypal Disney attractions. Coming on the heels of the wildly successful and innovative Pirates and Disney's New York World's Fair attractions, the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland was part of an incredible burst of creative energy from the company and one of its high watermark moments. The classic ride is essentially the same in Florida.

2. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Twilight Zone Tower of Terror©Arthur Levine, 2004. Licensed to
  • Thrill Scale (0=Wimpy!, 10=Yikes!): 7
    Multiple freefall drops and launches, sensations of weightlessness, psychological thrills.
  • Height Requirement: 40 inches
  • Location: Sunset Boulevard in Disney's Hollywood Studios
  • Fastpass: Yes
The Tower of Terror is a modern-day classic Disney theme park attraction. Combining a thrilling freefall ride, dazzling effects, and an inspired and fiendishly clever storyline based on the seminal "The Twilight Zone" television series, Disney Imagineers have created a ride that, like a select few E-ticket attractions, is so much greater than the sum of its parts.

1. Pirates of the Caribbean

of the Caribbean©Arthur Levine, 2003. Licensed to
  • Thrill Scale (0=Wimpy!, 10=Yikes!): 2.5
    Small splashdowns, mildly frightening images.
  • Height Requirement: None
  • Location: Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom
  • Fastpass: No
Dead men may tell no tales, but Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean have entertained millions with their salty tales. A landmark achievement in theme park storytelling when it debuted at Disneyland in 1967, Pirates remains one of Disney's--and all of parkdom's--most beloved attractions. First-timers and those returning with nostalgia-tinged memories alike adore its timeless tales and pitch-perfect presentation.

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