Herbs and pregnancy: raspberry leaf tea

If you want to drink herbs for prevention, to receive vitamins and trace elements, then you need to know important facts about use of herbs during pregnancy.
Usually we brew tea from leaves of strawberry, raspberry leaf tea, blackberry, currant, cherry, blueberry, cranberry, lemon balm, pansies, calendula, linden flowers, fruits, rose hips, mountain ash, hawthorn.

Alternate teas - for at least two or three days drink one tea, then making a one-day break, brew another. So you get a full range of vitamins and minerals, so essential in your condition.
If you buy in the drugstore, do not take herbs in filter bags, it is prepared from waste.

Contraindicated during pregnancy!
There is no complete, accurate, unambiguous list of herbs contraindicated during pregnancy.
And so you’ll see inconsistency in different sources. Some say - it is possible, others - not. What to do?
Trust yourself.
Do not drink harbal teas with a large number of herbs.
Drink one, or a maximum three herbs together in one collection (if these are not special multicomponent treatment teas, raspberry leaf tea).
If you are using herb a bit, then you will get vitamins and trace elements, but also avoid side effects.
Contraindicated during pregnancy:
Strong hemostatic plants (yarrow, nettle,     persicaria, Achyranthes) should be used cautiously. These plants together with hemostatic effect, increase the tone of smooth muscles, including muscles of the uterus, causing cramping.
Some plants (hops, licorice, corn stigmas, sage, mint) contain large amounts of estrogens (histogenous). St. John’s wort, chamomile, yarrow, cinquefoil goose stimulate ovarian estrogen functions, disrupting hormonal balance. With increasing dosage and under certain conditions, the use of these plants may lead to premature births and miscarriages.
* oregano,
* male fern,
* lady’s purse,
* persicaria,
* Ledum palustre,
* mistletoe,
* Melilotus officinalis,
* Thlaspi arvense,
* Salvia officinalis,
* aloe
* garlic
* wormwood,
* smellage,
* Juniperus,
* snakeroot
* celandine,
* creeping thyme,
* knotweed,
* bearberry,
* cabbage (seed),
* Sambucus nigra,
* centaury,
* kelp,
* calendula,
* Asarum,
* cinquefoil erect,
* parsley,
* tansy,
* ruta.
Some of these plants can be used in collections, where their negative effect is compensated.
The use of plants before and after childbirth

Raspberry leaf tea
Ideal plant for pregnant women. Raspberry contains vitamins C, A, B - complex, E, as well as many trace elements. It contains highly digestible contents of calcium, which makes it a good tonic, strengthening the uterus and bones throughout life.
Raspberry leaf tea may help with nausea and prevent miscarriage and bleeding.
It is known that this plant makes birth easier, so it’s good to drink raspberry leaf tea during the last month of pregnancy.
Postpartum raspberry leaf tea reduces cramps and regulates vaginal discharge. It increases milk production.
Gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, cramps, diarrhea and flu-like symptoms are often treated with raspberry leaf tea and chamomile flowers.
Let the water for tea to cool down a bit before you immerse raspberry leaves in it, because hot water reduces effectiveness of this plant.
Indeed, raspberry reduces intoxication and high body temperature and prevents development of complications of various infectious diseases. But few know that a large amount of raspberry may contract uterine muscles, and this is quite undesirable during pregnancy.
Shepherd’s bag.
Drink after giving birth the first three days. Shepherd’s bag contains vitamins C and K. It increases blood clotting. As haemostatic, it works immediately. It can be used to stop bleeding after a miscarriage and is the best post-natal grass. It contributes to postnatal contractions and causes uterus returning to its size and shape before pregnancy.
Plant strengthens diaphragm of pelvis, ligaments and muscles of the uterus.
It was traditionally used by American Indians to stop internal bleeding.
Broth: 1 teaspoon herb in a glass of boiled water. Brew for 30 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
This herb is an excellent diuretic, treats kidney diseases, especially nephritis. Heals an intestinal disorder, which is a problem for some women during menstruation.

Valerian root.
Applied during and after pregnancy.
The taste of this plant is very bitter. This is a strong painkiller. It also stops shivering and weakens tension. If you suffer from headache, abdominal pain, postpartum uterine contractions, or insomnia, the sedative effect of valerian on nervous system will help you gaining a little peace and tranquility. The root of valerian is a great tool for those who passed through caesarean section. Because it helps calming severe pain from gas, which often accompany recovery after surgery.
Valerian - an excellent sedative, but when misused can produce toxic complications.
Lucerne. Applied during and after pregnancy.
Alfalfa is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. They are beneficial for both baby and mother after birth. Alfalfa contains folic acid, and 8 of valuable enzymes that promote digestion. It stimulates growth of cells supporting connective tissue.
Alfalfa stimulates milk production. Do not use this plant for as long as initial hardening of breast (a few days after birth) did not pass. Drink tea from alfalfa or eat sprouts.
Applied during and after pregnancy.
This is truly an irreplaceable plant in your home medicine chest , it cures just about anything. Tea with chamomile will help you to fall sleep, cleanse eyes and ease slight indisposition.
Try drinking this tea if you have a very active child, through he will receive the necessary dose through milk. If you are obsessed with disturbing thoughts, anxiety, insomnia, then quickly brew tea with chamomile.
Chamomile is not only a soothing plant, it is also an excellent remedy for any inflammation (including mastitis). It is good for hair while rinsing.

Herbs in toxicosis.
Astra, St. John’s wort, lavender, lemon, mantle, peony, tarragon, rose, chamomile.

Lactogenic herbs.
Anise, basil, cornflower, marjoram, common hazel, walnuts, horseradish, caraway, dill, fennel, hops.
With flu and SARS pregnant women are prescribed raspberry, lime, St. John’s wort. Raspberry leaf tea relieves abdominal cramping and lower back, reduces intoxication, prevents development of complications. Therefore, its leaves and fruits are good to include in herbal teas for threat of miscarriage and prevention of pregnancy without complications.
In pyelonephritis treatment, which is exacerbated during pregnancy, doctors recommend: fruits, buds of birch, plantain, St. John’s wort, cranberry leaf, calendula, foalfoot, dandelion root, chamomile, horsetail, strawberry leaf.
While chronic hepatitis B: St. John’s wort, sandy immortelle, knotweed, and chamomile.
Early toxicosis usually occur in the first 12 weeks. They bring poor health, a feeling of nausea, salivation, vomiting. Severe complication - excessive vomiting, dehydration which causes sudden weight loss, fever, rapid pulse.
Late toxicosis are accompanied by functional disorders of cardiovascular, central nervous system, liver, kidneys and other organs.
A collection of white birch leaves, horsetail grass field, berries and leaves of bilberry in the ratio 2:1:1:1 helps well. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with 400 ml boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 1 / 3 cup 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals with late toxicosis and presence of edema.

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